Guillermo Venegas Lloveras Inc.
San Juan, Puerto RicoSeptember 24, 2005
Dear friend:
This is serious even though it may the traits of a joke about bumbling judges. It is real and has to do with the survival of the music of my father, Guillermo Venegas (1915-1993) and our company, a small music publisher owned by my sisters, a brother and myself. Please read this letter and help us in any way you can.
Who owns the song Borracho Sentimental (Sentimental Drunk)?
Let us see:
- Peermusic, a music publisher says that Guillermo Venegas wrote the song.
- Peermusic says that Guillermo Venegas gave them the song (a a gift, it seems) in 1952 and that they own it since then.
- Says a handwritten note signed by Guillermo Venegas on the score of the song that he did not write the song and requests (to Peermusic) that his name be removed from the song. The score with the handwritten note was presented by Peermusic (who likekly did not undestand the note because it was in Spanish) and was seen by Judge Jose A. Fuste during the trial of our lawsuit against Peermusic. The note is included below.
Peermusic, we believe has never paid any royalties to anyone for their use and exploitation of this song. Peermusic has not proved that they have ever paid any royalties to Guillermo Venegas (although Judge Fuste says they have proved so, taking as valid evidence verbal testimony of Peermusic).
- Peermusic wrote a letter to their Puerto Rico office requesting that it obtain a copy of the song Borracho Sentimental from whatever source (and 13 other songs), and we cite the letter "WITHOUT THE AUTHOR SUSPECTING" that Peermusic will register the songs.
- Peermusic spent a MILLION DOLLARS in legal expenses in our lawsuit, Venegas vs. Peermusic (and tried to make us pay these expenses) to try obtain a verdict that the song Borracho Sentimental and the 13 other songs in the "WITHOUT THE AUTHOR SUSPECTING" letter belong to Peermusic. Surely Peermusic had many other costs.
- In 1997 Peermusic wrote to, the children of Guillermo Venegas, to give Peermusic the ownership of the the song Borracho Sentimental (and all the others similarly acquired, our real concern) to Peermusic, after we had asked repeatedly and for a very long time for proof that Guillermo Venegas has given Peermusic any rights to any song.
- Judge Jose A. Fuste decided that the song Borracho Sentimental (and all the others similarly acquired) belong to Peermusic.
- The unfortunate and abused author of the song is unknown.
- On a separate case (Peermusic vs. ACEMLA) in the same court presided by Judge Fuste, Peermusic claimed that ACEMLA infringed Peermusic rights by placing the song Borracho Sentimental in the ACEMLA catalog. The court (Judge Juan Perez Gimenez) decided in that case, in 2005, that the song belonged to Peermusic and indeed ACEMLA infringed Peermusic's rights.
Please ask yourself: Is Peermusic the owners as judges (Pesident) Fuste and Perez Gimenez say? What explanation does this absurd judicial decisions have? Just use your imagination.
You, my friend can read this letter and say "what a shame", "they are bad", but we need more than that to survive. You can help us by:
Send this letter to all in your e-mail directory
Copy your friends
Visit our web site
Recommend our web site to your friends
Write to the press, complaint
Call the radio and speak out
Talk to your friends and at your meetings
Write about this to the press
If you are a lawyer, speak at the lawyer association
Defend the legal system
Ask questions.Thank you.
Rafael Venegas
Executive Director
Guillermo Venegas Lloveras Inc.
787-310-3574 (Cellular)